
This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture.

Agri Novatex UK | field


Internet rzeczy (z ang. Internet of Things) w rolnictwie

To, o czym często się za dużo nie mówi jest to, jak duże znaczenie Internet rzeczy może mieć dla rolnictwa. Te nowe innowacje technologiczne mogą zwiększyć plony i ratować życie. To jest powód, dla którego ta sprawa ostatnio przyciąga tyle uwagi.

Rolnictwo precyzyjne

Rolnictwo precyzyjne polega na zarządzaniu całym gospodarstwem w celu optymalizacji zwrotu z nakładów przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu zasobów.

Precision Agriculture: benefits and haymaking applications

Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture, is about the whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources.

IoT in agriculture: future and perspective for farmers

The Internet of Things is gaining a ton of buzz in many industry sectors. What is not so commonly discussed is how much important IoT could be for agriculture. These new technological innovations could increase yields and be life-saving. That's the reason why this issue is recently capturing so much attention.

The new-born Agri Novatex is the global brand of Novatex Italia.

Novatex' life begins in 1977 but its real turning point happens a few years later with its launch into the market of net wraps for round balers.
Agri Novatex | Before harvesting

Novatex Bale Calculator: a useful tool for all farmers

Novatex Calculator. Simple and intuitive, the Novatex Calculator is an extremely useful tool for the operators and farmers; an ideal tool for all contractors.