
This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture. This is a description about agriculture.

Agri Novatex UK | field


Scopri il configuratore di reti Novatex

Grazie al Configuratore Novatex i nostri clienti ora potranno aggiungere in segno distintivo alla propria attività, distinguendosi da eventuali competitor e dando un messaggio di forte identità.

Discover the Novatex balenet roll Configurator

Thanks to the Novatex Configurator our customers will now be able also to distinguish their business from others' giving a strong identity message.

Rekord Cover: protegge il valore del tuo lavoro

Un nuovo prodotto è stato lanciato da Novatex: si tratta del telo copertura Rekord Cover, che si aggiunge alla linea di prodotti Rekord: reti rotopresse, spaghi HD big baler, spaghi medio-fini e film stretch.
Agri Novatex Australia | SilaWrap Ultra

Five reasons why high-quality silage wrap is vital to producing good silage

SilaWRAP Ultra is the only Australian made silage wrap available in the market and ensures the prevention of dry matter loss, reduced spoilage, increased digestibility and an extended shelf life.

Rekord Cover: protects the value of your work

A new product has been recently launched by Novatex: it is the Rekord stack cover, which joins the Rekord product line – net wraps, twines and stretch films.

A keen eye to the future

Novatex introduces ME+ Tech: more net per roll, but with lighter rolls, reduced packaging, less plastic used and time saved in baling activities.

Meet the Team: Nelani Roux

Livestock health and farm business viability drives animal…

Homegrown feed keeps lid on costs at Timboon

Quality silage is milk in the vat and money in the bank for…
Agri Novatex | Before harvesting

Kalkulator Novatex

Który konkretny model prasy może pracować z rolką o długości 3600 m? Odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania udziela w czasie rzeczywistym Kalkulator Novatex. Kalkulator Novatex to proste, intuicyjne oraz niezwykle użyteczne narzędzie dla operatorów i wszystkich wykonawców robót polowych.

Agri Novatex jest nową globalną marką Novatex Italia.

Innowacyjność, jakość i doskonała obsługa. To główne składniki sukcesu firmy Novatex, która jest światowym liderem w produkcji siatek rolniczych. Innymi słowy, siatek używanych do belowania słomy, siana i lucerny. Historia Novatex rozpoczęła się w 1977 roku, ale prawdziwy punkt zwrotny nastąpił kilka lat później wraz z wprowadzeniem na rynek siatek do pras belujących.